Up in the clouds, a move to the country and runner up in a tapas competition!

Rachael being interviewed by the “Noveleros” crew in our own kitchen
2023 started with a bang as we were featured on a local Canarian TV show Noveleros. Filmed just before Christmas and aired in the new year, our episode was about life up in the clouds. Angel caves sits at around 1200m above sea level making us a perfect example of living amongst the clouds, yet typically the sun shone all day with not a cloud in the sky but with a bit of editing the team were able to showcase cloudy living for the actual show! We were shown going about our usual day, enjoying an al fresco breakfast, working in the allotment and ending the day eating together as a family. We loved sharing this little slice of our lives and thought it would be a great memory to look back on when are children are older. We were ‘recognised’ a few times locally when out and about and giggled over our short-lived minor celebrity status!
Next up it was Alvaro, a good friend of Miguel’s who asked him to record an interview for his YouTube channel and podcast. Filmed in A Palo Seco’s super urban studio, Miguel enjoyed regaling the audience with tales of tattooing and his life and travels. Alvaro thought the interview had been a success and has even asked Miguel if he’ll record a part two in the future!
A few months later we were surprised to receive another phone call, a different TV show was filming a slot about people who’d moved out of the city into the countryside and we were asked if we’d share our story again! This time Miguel was interviewed about his life before moving to Gran Canaria and what it’s like now, then the film crew asked if he’d go with them to the capital to film in its busiest bus station and share how it felt! It was an amusing, tongue in cheek scene but it did contrast our quiet life in the mountains with a bustling city at rush hour! When the producers saw Miguel’s footage they called us again and this time invited the whole family into the studio to be on the live show! There’s a reason it’s said don’t work with children or animals as our two terrors took the studio by storm! Poppy ate the microphone that had been clipped to my shirt, a replacement was brought over and clipped into place with literally seconds to spare before we went live! ( The original mic was retrieved and no babies were harmed!) A cheeky 4 year old Leon decided to talk to himself into his microphone, which was then swiftly disconnected, and he pulled silly faces throughout the interview! We have some hilarious footage of Poppy crawling around the studio and trying but failing to stand. She’s caught sliding down my leg and laying face down on the floor before crawling away! Overall though the interview went well, another great memory made and even more recognition in town!
We only had to wait a couple more weeks before we had another TV call! This one was for a local cooking show. Each week a small town would be chosen and its locals called upon to make their best tapas dish for a top chef to judge. I wanted to make sure that a sweet dish would be allowed in the competition as I didn’t feel up for competing with locals making traditional Canarian tapas. We got the go ahead and I perfected my recipe for a delicious orange curd cake, made with our very own oranges! I was feeling pretty nervous on the day of the filming but it was a small crowd of locals and the other entrants were friendly and chatty. The presenter made us all feel at ease and I was feeling confident that my dish looked and tasted great. Amazingly the chef judge thought so too and my cakes placed in the top 3! Apparently it was the first time in the shows history that a sweet plate had placed as a runner up so although I didn’t win the overall prize it felt like a true compliment to get a special mention.
There we go, Team Angel taking local television by storm! Three appearances in the last 5 months has us wondering what might be next! We’re making plans to start our own YouTube show, sharing some of the daily craziness that is our life in the mountains and we’re sure there’ll be more opportunities for us on local TV too, watch this space…